25 years since the opening of Skopje ACC

07.11.2021  is the date when 25 years have passed since the opening of Area Control Centre Skopje. In the early morning hours on 07.11.1996, the Area Control Centre Skopje took over the responsibility over the entire airspace of the Republic of Macedonia which was controlled by Belgrade until then in accordance with the division between Air Traffic Controls in Zagreb and Belgrade since the time of SFRY. El Al Israel Airline`s aircraft the destination of which was Tel Aviv, was the first aircraft guided and instructed by our Air Traffic Controllers. Since then, during the past 24 years, the Air Traffic Control has evolved into a modern air traffic control center which operates in compliance with Eurocontrol`s standards, the Member State of which we have been since the year of 1998 and of the European Commission in accordance with ECAA Agreement since the year of 2006.

At the beginning, ten licensed Air Traffic Controllers who were assisted by colleagues from Serbia and Bulgaria provided the air traffic services from a small Area Control Centre with an area of 25 square meters and equipped with only one radar, while today M-NAV operates with almost hundred Air Traffic Controllers, Air Traffic Controller Assistants and with highly qualified and educated technical and supporting aeronautical personnel in charge of providing safe, regular and expeditious services for Skopje and Ohrid Airports, the said personnel is also being in charge of handling the overflights over our Airspace. The service is being provided with integrated data from five radars, three of which are located on our territory and one radar each from Greece and Bulgaria, whereas the data from our radars are being used by our neighboring countries and this is regulated by bilateral agreements.

After separating from Civil Aviation Agency, M-NAV has continued to operate as national Air Navigation Services Provider.

During the most frequent days in the summer season, more than 1000 flights per day are handled, while the year of 2019 saw 230160 flights that used M-NAV`s air navigation services.

The Government-owned Joint Stock Company M-NAV provides also services for the State aircraft of the Ministry of Defense and of the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

Through continuous and proactive participation in the work of international aviation organizations and safety institutions – Eurocontrol, ICAO, CANSO, we are committed to following the existing standards, but also on the implementation of new procedures and work technologies, in order to provide more efficient service for airlines and enhanced environmental protection.