International Day of the Air Traffic Controller

Today, October 20, is The International Day of the Air Traffic Controller. And this year, the centenary of this profession is celebrated.
At the beginning of the last century, one of man’s biggest dreams – to fly, became a reality. But it soon became clear that such a dream, to be safe, must be taken care of with certain rules and be under someone’s control.

Exactly one hundred years ago, back in 1922, Air Traffic Control emerged as the most faithful partner of the boldest dreamers.
Today we are here to witness the first century of Air Traffic Control – a great jubilee for this profession.

This aviation branch was born on European soil between England and France, but today, Air Traffic Controllers are guardians of the skies around the world.
They work both day and night, every day of the week, to ensure continuous service in air traffic.

In Macedonia, 120 Controllers and Assistant Air Traffic Controllers serve over 1200 planes a day, including the two airports of Skopje and Ohrid, as well as the planes that fly over our territory.
The home of these professionals is M-NAV GOJSC, and their family is MATCA – Macedonian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association.

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations IFATCA wishes a happy holiday to all air traffic controllers around the world.