Public Announcement

MATCA, as an Association that represents the interests of the Macedonian air traffic controllers, feels obliged to react to the information published in the media, regarding the safety occurrence, which occurred on September 7th over the Macedonian sky.

Air transport is a complex system consisting of people, procedures and technologies, which cooperate and interact with each other in order to create the safest way to travel. The occurrence of safety events in aviation is always the result of a complex interaction of a large number of factors, which act in a way that overloads the safety system and results in an undesirable outcome.

Because of the critical importance of safety on the job, air traffic controller is a profession with a high level of responsibility. Macedonian air traffic controllers are properly trained professionals who, with the highest level of quality, serve a record number of flights, often in difficult weather conditions, which operate under their jurisdiction to reach their destinations in a safe and orderly manner. MATCA stands behind the collective reputation and professionalism of the controllers, who have become a target of unfounded condemnations.

The establishment of Just Culture in aviation has resulted in a high standard of safety, with which aviation accidents and incidents have become extremely rare, but are still not completely non-existent and occur here, as well as in Europe and the world. Taking a systemic approach to investigation, rather than individual blame, is key to strengthening aviation safety.

Regarding the event of September 7th, a safety occurrence report was submitted in a timely manner by the controllers who worked in the affected sector, and it was processed by the relevant departments, authorities and institutions, which then act on the reported occurrence, in accordance with the existing legal procedures. There has never been a case of covering up occurrences. Declaring this event a “serious incident” without verifying the facts goes against a fair and true clarification of the case. We note that Flightradar24 is not a relevant tool for providing accurate real-time position and as such should not be used to draw conclusions.

MATCA calls out the media reporting on this event to maintain the level of journalistic integrity and objective reporting, to respect the course of the investigation according to the prescribed norms and practices in aviation before publishing on such sensitive topics, as well as to refrain from giving blanket comments until obtaining official and final results. In addition, we urge the public to avoid spreading speculations and comments regarding the event on social media, which may be misinterpreted.

Macedonian Air Traffic Controllers Association