Skopje, 13.4.2023.

Human Factors Intro

Version 23.03.2023.


10:00 – 10:15

Intro, tour table



Introduction CV: participants.


10:15 – 10:50

 Human Factors intro (movie): video 4:27



1.       Mistakes                                                                

2.       Aviation                                                           

3.       Human Factors                                              

4.       SHELL Model  


Introduction to HF


10:50 – 11:30 

Regulations and need for HF



1.       EU REG 340/2015                                          

2.      EU REG 373/2017

3.      National Regulations  


11:30 – 11:40

Coffee Break


11:40 – 12:40 

Fatigue in aviation; Sleeping



1.       Introduction                                                   

2.       Dirty Dozen                                                    

3.       Fatigue                                                             

4.       Shift work.                                                      

5.       Circadian Rhythm                                         

6.       Sleeping

7.       How to recognise fatigue.        


12:40 – 13:30

Lunch Break


13:30 – 14:15

Stress and stress management in aviation



1.       Stressor Or Source of Stress

2.       Acute And Chronic Stress

3.       Sources Of Stress

4.       Assessment of How Stress Affects Controllers                               

The Mind Map of Stress                               


14:15 – 15:15 

CISM – Critical Incident Stress Management



1.       Introduction

2.       What is CISM?

3.       Phases of CISM

4.       CISM Techniques

5.       Implementation of CISM          


15:15 – 15:30

Coffee Break


15:30 – 16:30 

Tips and measures to alleviate fatigue and the stress it causes



1.         Tips for employers.                                     

2.         The importance of sleep.                         

3.         Lifestyle.                                                          

4.         Preparation for the operational shift. 

5.         Maximum use of breaks.                          

6.         Preparation for the night shift                

7.         How to fall asleep more easily.              

8.         Light.                                                                 
Blue light – high visible energy (HEV) light                         

9.         Noise.                                                                               

10.      Music.                                                               

11.      Books, TV, and the Internet.                   

12.      Caffeine.                                                         

13.      Alcohol.                                                            

14.      Nicotine.                                                          

15.      Food and nutrition.                                     

16.      Medicines.                                                      

17.      Exercise.                                                          

18.      Relaxation.                                                     

An Aviation Professional’s Guide for Wellbeing                       

Poster CCOHS   


16:30 – 17:00 

Discussion. Questions/Answers


The end.