Exactly 30 years ago, in 1994, MATCA made its first payment for annual membership fees to IFATCA and thus became a full member state of the International Federation of ATC Associations. The payment was made by our first president Dragan Klimov.
On the occasion of this great anniversary, the Association prepared and awarded plaques to all previous presidents of MATCA and presented them at the ceremonial event that took place on October 16th on the terrace of the Museum of Contemporary Art at Skopje’s Kale Fortress.
The presidents who came in person to receive the plaques were: Zoran Tasevski, Ivan Hristov, Sasho Tanevski, Branko Trajchevski, Vladimir Risteski, Ivo Paskalov and Natasha Mijat Krstevska.
We subsequently presented the plaques to the remaining presidents: Dragan Klimov, Katica Trenevska, Borche Dvojakovski, Zoran Velichkovikj, Zoran Dimovski, Dejan Georgiev and Vlatko Nakov.
May we celebrate this anniversary and may future generations celebrate many more anniversaries.