The 2022 CBC Touch&Go Basketball Cup has concluded

Our Air Traffic Controllers and Assistant Air Traffic Controllers participated as representatives of Macedonia in this year’s basketball tournament for air traffic controllers CBC Controllers Basketball Cup Touch&Go, which after a two-year break, was held in Lisbon, Portugal from November 23 to 27.

This year, the Macedonian team competed in a competition of 18 teams from our European colleagues. We finished the group stage in 4th place, with the only victory over the host Portugal, and the final ranking is 16th place. The favored team of Lithuania is this year’s tournament champion. Meanwhile, in the three-point shooting competition, our representative finished in 7th place.

The Portuguese organizers gave us a warm welcome and during the tournament, in addition to quality basketball and the ideal of “fair play”, the primary aim was having fun and socializing in Lisbon.

With great pleasure, we can confirm that next year the tournament will be hosted by us, and CBC Touch&Go 2023 will be held in Skopje.