Why are flights delayed this summer?

Recently, low-cost airlines in Europe have baselessly attacked our profession in the media. The overwhelming demand for flights in the summer period and their inability to meet it made them reach for an alibi and point the blame at the air traffic controllers. A media war spontaneously takes place in which low-cost companies use reels, posts and constant attacks on the controllers blaming the situation of lack of air traffic controllers in Europe as their alibi for the constant delay of their flights.

And if you knew what kind of retro operating system the Macedonian air traffic control works on…

Attached is the official reaction of IFATCA in which it tries to explain the real situation with thorough clarifications. Why are flights delayed this summer? – IFATCA (link)

As P.T. Barnum put it: “Even bad publicity is good publicity”. Maybe something useful for our professional structure will come out of all this wrangling, for example: the young generations might be intrigued about our profession and start applying more massively to the air traffic controller selection calls across Europe.