Human Factors Workshop

With particular honor, the Macedonian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association invites you to take part in the workshop entitled Human Factors Introduction, which will be held on April 13 (Thursday) 2023, in the Meeting Hall of M-NAV, starting at 10 am.

For this purpose, MATCA invited colleague Zheljko Oreshki, president of the Croatian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association, but also a certified specialist in aviation psychology, to lead this workshop.

Mr. Oreshki comes to us from a country of the European Union, which is an EASA member and where regulations 373 relating to the human factor have already been implemented, and which we at M-NAV are in the process of adapting and implementing.

This workshop is intended for all controllers and assistant air traffic controllers interested in the CISM peer program, but also for our managers, experts and supervisors who are the first to detect a change in employees caused by the human factor.

See the agenda by clicking on this link.