The IFATCA European Regional Conference – ERM 2023 took place from 16 to 18 October in Riga, Latvia. Almost all European air traffic controller associations sent their delegates and together with corporate guests the number of participants was around 120.
Before the start, our delegation consisting of Natasha Mijat Krstevska, Nikola Sotirovski, Marija Savić, Edmond Kaliqi and Martin Bibovski set up a presentation space for ERM SKOPJE 2024, which was an active corner at every break and where our colleagues answered questions related to the event which we will host next year. At the stand itself, there were materials that we received as support from the Agency for Promotion and Tourism of North Macedonia, and we also procured a few other things, such as ajvar and wine, which we then gave to the host organizing team from Latvia after the end of the conference.
The first day started with the workshop announced on the topic “ATCO Occupational Fatigue” and that right on the threshold before the full implementation of the EASA regulation (EU) 2017/373 in all European countries. Invited guests to this discussion were Nathalie Le Cam (EASA), Dr. Philippe Cabon (Welbees), Fabrice Drogoul (EUROCONTROL) and Benjamin Fichtner (HelvetiCA /Skyguide). Then a panel discussion developed on the topic of the connection between Staff Shortage and Occupational Fatigue. The team from Latvia organized a cocktail party for the first night at a place called VEF Cultural Palace.
The second day of the conference was opened by Mr. Raul Medina – Director General of EUROCONTROL, followed by Mr. Frederik Rasmussen – Deputy Head of Unit European Single Sky at European Commission. Then various issues related to the Baltic region were opened, so the presenters were Mr. Pauls Cālītis – Board member of AirBaltic, Mr. Viesturs Masulis – Commander of the Latvian Air Force, Mr. Aivars Pūcītis – Board member of Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme (ANSP), Mr. Māris Gorodcovs – Director of Latvian Civil Aviation Agency. Then followed a presentation and discussion on FEAST test, which was led by Nathalie Bossiroy from EUROCONTROL, accompanied by a colleague via link from Luxembourg from the Aviation Training Center of EUROCONTROL. The second day of the conference was concluded by Mr. Marc Baumgartner (SESAR /EASA Coordinator) with his presentation on JCHMS (Joint Cognitive Human Machine System). For the second evening, a cocktail party was organized in the building of the first airport in Riga – Aerodrom Spilve.
The third day started with a panel discussion on topics that affect most associations, which were derived from the report that each association separately submitted a month before the start of the conference. Then followed a presentation on “Where from here?” The Network Manager’s perspective” at which Mr. Iacopo Prissinotti (NM Director) shared that the increase in traffic this year was an incredible 7%. Then followed the reports of the IFATCA 2030 Task Force, as well as the Equity and Diversity Inclusive Task Force, the vice president of IFATCA, as well as the treasurer of the European Support Fund who thanked for all the donations that European associations made for the families of Ukrainian air traffic controllers. A decision was made to close the same fund, as all funds have already fulfilled their purpose.
The book “100 years ATC, the incomplete history” published by IFATCA was also presented and each association received two copies of it. One of our samples will be left in the rest room 256 and the other will travel to Ohrid tower. So every member of ours will be able to review and read it.
The end of the conference was marked by our presentation of ERM SKOPJE 2024. The video that ZKLM made especially for that purpose was presented, the official website for the event was released and general generalities were shared about what delegates can do. expect when they arrive in Skopje for the conference that will be held from October 15 to 17, 2024. The third day ended with a formal gala dinner at the Ziemelblazma Palace of Culture.

After us, in 2025, ERM 2025 will be hosted by the Italians.
Together – Further