More than 8 years ago, following the trend of IFATCA, MATCA introduced the concept of the need for CISM implementation in our collective, an idea that finally came to fruition this year. During the year, the selection of CISM Peers began, and a tender was announced for an ICISF certified instructor who would conduct the training.
As the second phase of the implementation of the CISM program, in November, from the 11th to the 14th, a CISM course was held in the meeting room at the premises of M-NAV Skopje, with which 12 peers were certified. The course was taught by Mark Baumgartner, an air traffic controller and supervisor from Geneva, MSc in psychology and a certified ICISF instructor for CISM.
The selection of peers in our company was based on the principle of self-application or nomination by another, and the following colleagues successfully completed the course and became CISM Peers: Marjan Smiljkovski, Jasminka Gocevska, Hariton Machovski, Marija Savikj, Anita Zhupanoska, Goran Bosheski, Emel Emrula, Natasha Mijat Krstevska, Mieser Polozhani, Bard Ajdini, Daniela Denkovska and Filip Dimovski.