A workshop was held on the topic of Just Culture

Organized by EUROCONTROL and the Civil Aviation Agency, from October 3 to 4, a workshop on Just Culture was held in Skopje.

Experts from EUROCONTROL, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Netherlands and the representative of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations IFATCA (Marc Baumgartner, the coordinator of IFATCA with SESAR and EASA) shared their knowledge regarding the legal and institutional aspects of just culture.

The workshop was attended by representatives from the Civil Aviation Agency, the air navigation service provider M-NAV, the airport operator TAV, the Macedonian Aviation Federation and the Ombudsman of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Atanas Alkov was MATCA’s representative, who is also our representative in the Just Culture committee.

The workshop was carried out within the framework of the “Support countries” program, through which EUROCONTROL provides support to the civil aviation authorities of its member countries.